Division of
“The Royans Professional Vocal School”

Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia



Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) occurs when the muscles around the voice box are constricted during speech production. A person may work very hard to get the voice out or use too much “muscle tension,” sometimes without even noticing it.

MTD is a voice disorder that is directly related to how the voice is used. It does not occur when someone strains their voice just once. It is usually a problem that arises from a habit of straining while talking (or singing), resulting in a hoarse and raspy voice or, in a worst-case scenario, voice loss.

With the above said, your voice, no doubt, will sound hoarse, raspy and tight. Talking in general can make you feel tired, or you may even feel a muscle ache in the neck due to MTD condition.

There are two types of MTD:


Primary MTD: The muscles in your neck are tense especially when you use your voice, however, there is no other abnormality has been detected in the larynx.

Secondary MTD: In this type of MTD, there is an abnormality in the voice box that compels patients to overuse neck muscles for their voice production.

Causes of MTD –

Muscle Tension Dysphonia

In fact, no one fully understands the causes of Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). It usually begins without warning. It may be caused by irritants to the function of the upper respiratory tract; I.e. Smoking, acid reflux or some other excessive demands placed on your voice. Sometimes, more than one of the above-mentioned factors is present when it comes to MTD. 

Signs and Symptoms – 

Muscle tension dysphonia has several signs and symptoms, including:

    • Husky, breathy, rough or hoarse voice
    • Tightness and even muscle aches in the throat
    • Strained and/or tight voice
    • Sudden breaks in the voice while speaking or singing or fading of the voice 
    • The sense of strained and/or forceful voice
    • Voice quality that worsens with use, misuse and overuse

Diagnosis – 

The MTD condition is difficult to diagnose; and sometimes it happens to be misdiagnosed. A complete suitable diagnosis requires a thorough examination by an experienced team of voice specialists. To complete the diagnosis, the vocal specialists generally obtain the history of one’s voice problem(s) as well as one’s speaking pattern to determine their speaking or singing voice application.

How do we treat muscle tension dysphonia?

The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair offers an alternative method for voice/speech therapy and is known for its great success in treating (non-surgically) MTD, along with various other voice/vocal conditions such as; Spasmodic Dysphonia, Vocal Cord Paralysis, Sulcus Vocalis, Nodules, Polyps, Lesions and Cysts, and not to mention, Acid Reflux along with many other common and uncommon voice disorders.

  • Using our specialized approach to voice restoration,  combined with the use of natural herbs and remedies, some of which are even applied directly onto the vocal box.
  • This unique approach to voice mechanics is achieved by, in a manner of speaking, “lifting” the sufferer’s voice off of their vocal box (using specially designed speech and/or singing exercises) and thus, restructuring the sound of their voice to a set of their facial muscles. In the end, utilizing those facial muscles to operate in full conjunction and coordination with the person’s abdominal muscles. The latter is responsible for the support for the “lift” and the support for an “airborne” sound of the voice. 

The above actions will naturally amplify the human voice, allowing the true voice to be heard without compromise. It will also minimize the use of the sufferer’s throat, larynx and vocal cords – therefore it will, no doubt, eliminate the harmful use (pain and strain) of the vocal anatomy altogether.

Testimonials From Clients Who Have Been Successfully Treated From Muscle Tension Dysphonia Disorder:

Aubrie Morris – Muscle Tension Dysphonia Survivor– Voice Repair Client/Up and Coming Singer/Songwriter: 


I know I get carried away most times, but I feel like carried away isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I get carried away with the vision, I get carried away with the dream you told me to keep, I get carried away with details, and I get carried away with devotion.

I’m so lucky to have you as a friend! But I Am Truly blessed to have you as coach and mentor.

Someone so positive, that makes things happen. Your positivity has rubbed off on me for a Lifetime, which is just one of the best things you could have given me! A positive attitude is the difference between a happy life and a bad one. The difference between making a dream come True, or letting one die.

It’s my own personal belief the happiest pictures in our heads aren’t just daydreams, they are visions of what can be… If you try your hardest, and keep a positive outlook on life. I dare say, it’s like I needed my vocal issues to find you… to learn patience, appreciation, self-control, and discipline.

I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement, guidance, and healing mentally and physically you’ve already given me! There is no price you can put on that!

I Thank God for showing me favor through you! I thank and appreciate you Tremendously for accepting the task of making my dreams come true!

Thank you for the effort you’ve shown, and the effort you’re going to show to put me comfortably on stage as one of the best Vocal Science has to offer!

From the bottom of my heart, it truly is my dream! I am prepared and really hope it comforts you to know I will completely be giving my absolute BEST efforts and commitment to your direction. I will always take your point of views, and opinions to heart! I will always pray that I can look to you for advice on every level. Pandemic aside, if those borders open up, there will be nothing anyone but God can do to stop us! It’s Done!

No matter what level we are on, I will always promote Vocal Science! You will always have me on your side. Loyalty means a lot of things to different people. To me, loyalty makes you family not blood. My trust is in you, the quality of knowing that calms my whole heart, it stops negative thoughts dead in their tracks!

I pray you know that you too have the same trust in me. I know you have reasons to doubt because of the past. But I am not a fool. Vocal Science is too big for some to imagine, and grasp the potential it has to illuminate one’s future; honor and success it would have on one’s image to just have their name next to it! But I see.

The talent and music can make you successful, the personality you put in music makes you different, but if done right with class and a laid out plan, Vocal Science has the ability to make you LEGENDARY!

To display it would be a guaranteed success of one’s form, but to bring it to light, to be the first one is something else entirely! XOXO.

Your friend,
your student,
your product

To view her full testimonial, please click HERE ( or the image above )

You can also view other testimonials from our vast number of voice repair clients by clicking HERE


Davida F – Manager, Partner Programs at End to End Networks – Strained Vocal Cords & Muscle Tension Dysphonia client from Aurora Ontario Canada.

Davida F - 34th Anniversary Workshop Participant

“For anyone struggling with voice problems – whether speaking or singing – I strongly encourage you to make the investment in yourself and go see Diana. There’s no need to risk surgery or medication when you can instead learn a completely natural way of speaking that will preserve your voice for years to come. Davida F.”

For her full testimonial, click HERE


If you are suffering from the above-mentioned symptoms of such a disorder like muscle tension dysphonia and are seeking professional help, please contact us.


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