“I Can Now Sing Without Destroying My Voice!” | Rodney’s Vocal Science Testimonial!

We would like to express a big thank you to our former vocal student of 2002, Rodney Ronquillo, for his kind words about his coach and mentor, Diana Yampolsky, on a Facebook Livestream! That was an unexpected but extremely pleasant surprise. 

Continue reading ““I Can Now Sing Without Destroying My Voice!” | Rodney’s Vocal Science Testimonial!”

Vocal Science Article: Singing Lessons… How could they Benefit your children?

We have an informative article that is tailored towards the advancement of the singing voice for children and how it can be a driving force for happiness and productivity in their lives.

It is titled: Singing Lessons… How could they Benefit your children?

Click the title above to see the article.

Welcome! 7 New Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit Participants.

Today, we would like to welcome 7 beautiful people (quite a few of them are former Royans students) who will be attending our Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit on July the 16th.

:Their Names Are:

Peter Morrell from Markham, Ontario Canada – Present and past student and attendee of numerous Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshops –

Jennifer Herman from Markham Ontario, Canada – Present and past student and attendee of numerous Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshops –

Noreitta Ramocan from Toronto, Canada – Attendee of numerous Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshops –

Mary Ellen from Ottawa/Kingston Ontario – Present and past student and attendee of several Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshops –

Tanya Kashkarov from Toronto, Canada – Past student of 1996 –

Ben Lee Toronto, Canada- New student and new attendee of this upcoming Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshop –

Julie Joshua from Nevada, USA – New attendee of our upcoming Voice/Vocal Interactive Workshop –

Continue reading “Welcome! 7 New Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit Participants.”

August 13th Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit – 1 Spot In Reserve!

Our Vocal Science Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit, starting August the 13th 2017, now has only 1 spot remaining (in reserve)!

If you are interested in participating in this event, check out our site’s Healthy Voice Workshops section for more details!

You can also contact us to sign up!

Article: Conventional Speech Therapy Versus Vocal Science™ Method.

Article: Conventional Speech Therapy Versus Vocal Science™ Method. What Works and What Is Greater?

“The Vocal Science™ technique advocates the maximum improvement of one’s voice condition – speaking or singing”

What do we do differently then conventional institutions that treat the human voice? check out the link (located in article title) to find out.