Article: Give Your Child a Gift of a Desired Voice, Confidence and Self-Esteem!

Our Vocal Science™ Program can help your child achieve it all! To illustrate this, we have written an article tailored to parents who would like to bring out the full potential of their children’s abilities (vocally and otherwise)!

It is titled: Give your child a gift of a desired voice, confidence and self-esteem!

To check out the article, click on the title above.

Article: “My Voice Is Gone – What Could I Do?”

We have an article that gives you insight on what to do if you feel that you are losing your voice: “My Voice Is Gone And My Throat Hurts. What Could I Do?

For more interesting articles like this one, visit our: BlogSpot Page

For more insights on vocal problems, Check out the Non-Surgical Voice Repair section of our site.

Sep 23rd & Sep 30th Vocal Workshop Success!

ATTENTION! Our September 23rd and September 30th, 2018 Healthy Voice/Vocal workshop are OFFICIALLY COMPLETE and has been a huge success!

Within this workshop, we had the pleasure of showing our very enthusiastic and well-rounded participants a taste of what the Vocal Science Method can do for their speaking and singing voices!

Check out the testimonials from our participants who took part in this fun & educational event, by clicking HERE.

To take part in our other informative and fun events, designed to show you what it takes to restore and/or improve your speaking or singing voice…, contact us today! 416-857-8741 |

Also, more info about our events can be found in the Healthy Voice Workshops Page on our sister site –

Insurance Benefits Option Now Available!

Exciting Announcement! For those who have any kind of private or work insurance benefits, we will honour a portion of it – Up to $500 coverage towards our regular course prices!

Note: Proof of the above-mentioned insurance will be required.

For more information on the above, Contact Us via phone or email!:
416-857-8741 |

(Complete) July 8th healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop!

Our July 8th Vocal Science Healthy Voice/Vocal Workshop Summit, 2018 now Complete!

Overall, these workshops are designed for everyday people who rely on their voices for work & everyday life, as well as professionals (speakers and singers)!

These workshops are also designed to teach you how to apply a unique and revolutionary voice/vocal technique that will increase the vocal longevity and maintain the health of ones’ speaking and singing voice!

For more information on how you can participate in these events, check out our workshops section (within our sister site – for the latest  info or Contact Us:

New workshops coming up on Feburary 10th – 11th & 18th!

We have new workshops coming up on February 10th – 11th & 18th!

These are special workshops for professionals & everyday people who rely on their voices for work & everyday life!

They are also designed to teach others about a unique and revolutionary voice/vocal technique that will increase the vocal longevity and maintain the health of ones’ speaking and singing voice!

For more information on how you can participate in these events, check out the link HERE  or Contact Us via phone or email.

Vocal Science Article: Singing Lessons… How could they Benefit your children?

We have an informative article that is tailored towards the advancement of the singing voice for children and how it can be a driving force for happiness and productivity in their lives.

It is titled: Singing Lessons… How could they Benefit your children?

Click the title above to see the article.