Article: “My Voice Is Gone – What Could I Do?”

We have an article that gives you insight on what to do if you feel that you are losing your voice: “My Voice Is Gone And My Throat Hurts. What Could I Do?

For more interesting articles like this one, visit our: BlogSpot Page

For more insights on vocal problems, Check out the Non-Surgical Voice Repair section of our site.

Experiencing Voice Loss? We Can Help

Are you experiencing voice loss?

I could be due to disorders like Muscle Tension Dysphonia, Spasmodic Dysphonia, Dysarthria or any growths on the vocal cords – like Nodules, Polyps, Cysts, etc.
We can help!

Check out the services section of our site and contact us for more info: | 416-857-8741

Article: Attention Vocally Injured!

Check out our New Article:

Attention Vocally Injured! Lose Your Vocal Injuries and Become “The Biggest Loser”!

Vocie Repair

Regain your voice and your confidence back! 

Your voice… desired and deserved!

Find out what we mean in our New Article!

on our A Voice Apart – Our Blog page


New Article – Vocal Science – Holistic Approach (Part II)

A Voice Apart: Vocal Science – Holistic Approach (Part II): How could it help adults to open up and deal with stuffed-up emotions? 

Vocal Science - Voice Loss

Find out with us in our latest article – 


Singers are losing their voices more than usual